Stem Cells 101

Pluripotent Stem Cells 101

By |2021-12-26T23:40:20+00:00December 26th, 2021|

What are Pluripotent stem cells? Pluripotent stem cells are the most advanced cell type in the human body. They have all the characteristics of embryonic stem cells, but have been reprogrammed to become a special generation of stem cells (the so-called induced pluripotent stem cells). They are able to differentiate into any type of tissue

Stem Cell FAQs

By |2021-12-24T01:58:53+00:00December 24th, 2021|

What are Stem Cells?   STEM CELLS are the future of medicine. Human stem cells offer hope to people with a wide range of devastating diseases and conditions like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, diabetes and more. They can also be used in research to discover new treatments and cures; they can generate organs for transplantation; they can

White Board: Stem Cells 101 (Full Version)

By |2018-02-20T21:37:54+00:00February 20th, 2018|

What are stem cells, and why are they so important? Stem cells are the builders and the repairmen of the world's most complex construction project: the creation of a human body! Thanks to the seven million California voters who voted Yes on Proposition 71, California’s $3 billion stem cell initiative, California’s scientists are already making

Quiz: Type 1 Diabetes

By |2018-08-01T19:46:00+00:00December 12th, 2017|

Type 1 DiabetesLearn the basics of Type 1 Diabetes, a chronic disease affecting more than 1.25 million people in the United States.Which organ is affected in Type 1 Diabetes (T1D)?What is the primary job of the pancreas?What happens when we lose our pancreatic beta cells, such as in T1D?Why do we need insulin?Which of the

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