Quiz: Top Myths About Stem Cells Top Myths About Stem Cells Myth 1: A single microscopic pre-embryo can only make a single stem cell therapy for one person. Select all that apply: Myth 2: Some people believe that embryos are the only source of stem cells—but are there other ways scientists obtain stem cells? Myth 3: Adult stem cells are the same thing as embryonic stem cells. Myth 4: Stem cell research is legal in the United States. Myth 5: Stem cell research is the same thing as cloning. Myth 6: Some critics say stem cells are only useful for rare diseases. Could any of these more common diseases be affected by such research? Myth 7: If the stem cells come from my own body, they are always safe to use as a treatment. Quiz Maker – powered by Riddle By |2018-08-01T19:49:19+00:00October 25th, 2017| Share This Post FacebookXLinkedInPinterest